Sixth Sense
Please click on my link above to view all six of my prints for my Sixth Sense: Intuition
For my sixth sense: I chose to go with feelings or intuition
Art that reminded me of this was Jackson Pollock. His art does not seem to have meaning, yet it can evoke emotion in the viewer. Like a sixth sense, we cannot put our finger on what makes us follow our intuition. A feeling is evoked and we must follow it. I used two of my previous prints, combined with acrylic paint and Rives paper.
Art that reminded me of this was Jackson Pollock. His art does not seem to have meaning, yet it can evoke emotion in the viewer. Like a sixth sense, we cannot put our finger on what makes us follow our intuition. A feeling is evoked and we must follow it. I used two of my previous prints, combined with acrylic paint and Rives paper.

You make an interesting connection between Pollack and intuition. I would have to agree with you, there definitely an emotional response one gets when viewing his work. I think you have manage to do the same. Well done!!